Let's Get Focused in 3 Steps!
Posted: November 14, 2018
Getting organized: Let's Get Focused in 3 Steps!
Are you Planner Happy??
Maybe you love having your planner and organizing your week with to do lists. You might even go a little crazy with it like putting "take a shower" and "put away clothes" on your to do list. Hey, that’s part of what you’re going do that day. If you write out all that good planning and then start your week waking up an hour late- how do you make up that time? Do you lose a lot of the productivity that you have planed for your week? When you have a lot that you want to get done and no margin, you can be in trouble when "life" happens.
Are you living in reality?
High expectations of your self are well intentioned. You set the goal to study, take care of yourself, eat healthy, exercise, sleep and have fun times with friends. Managing your schedule can be difficult. Find a way to set realistic expectations. Execute goals that will take you closer to your ultimate goal. This would bring a lot of peace of mind and happiness.
Here are some tips that I’ve learned along the way.
You can't try to do it all and do it all well. Trying to do it all and do it all well makes me want to pull my hair out some days!
How to get organized with your to-do's
Let's get the to-do lists under control.
Number one. Figure out your ideal week.
This would be the perfect week that you could have in a perfect world. You would get 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night. You would have margin between your scheduled activities. He would have some time for spiritual reflection. Go ahead and block in the number of hours that you would need for school or for your work. Lock in time for exercise and driving. This is a wonderful visual that shows you exactly how much time you need during the week. You can see that if you sleep in on Monday until 10 o’clock and lose that quiet time or exercise time you’ll need to make that up in that area of margin later in the week.
Number two. Know thyself.
Know your attention span. Do not set yourself up to do all your production in one day if that is not something that you can handle. If your attention span is about 90 minutes and then you need a break, work that into your ideal set week.Keep in mind your energy flow. Each day only brings a finite amount of energy. You are going to want to eat and you might feel tired and need to rest between activities. You know when your most energetic. If you like to get up and go in the morning or if you work best at night.
Number three: Don't try to do everything all at once.
Doing one thing well is better than doing everything poorly. Limit yourself to three accomplishments for the day. Laundry, work, make dinner. Exercise, Socialize, clean the bathroom. These main priorities can help you to feel accomplished when you knock them out. One, two, three. You will find, usually, that when you pick what is going to get done and do it, you are ready to do a little bit more. You don't have to though! It is much preferred to accomplishing 7 tasks and looking at your endless list and feeling defeated. Or even worse, having so many "to do's" swirling around in your mind that you cannot focus on any one thing to get started. (So, you avoid anything productive and hide from life. I've been there!)
Working backwards...
Pick your main three (or less) tasks.
Only do what you can do.
Block out your time so you can see how you need to "make it up" when life happens.
This planning takes some time, but once you've done it for a while, it becomes second nature in your mind. You are better able to recognize when you are in need of setting boundaries, pacing yourself and getting your time blocked out.
Let's do this.
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