A Counselor at a Marriage Conference- Lesson 7
Posted: September 7, 2016
I love gardening. Scratch that. I love planting already blooming flowers and looking at them. The next part... where things need water, fertilizer, weeding and re-potting is not my favorite. It is too much work. I have better things to do.
But if something is important to you (your marriage relationship), then you need to spend time there.
"If couples are not intentionally moving toward oneness, their marriages will drift toward isolation." -WTR Handbook
Does you marriage matter to you? Is oneness your goal? Than you must work toward this end. Cultivate what matters. For us, this is best done with consistent time together away from child, phone and home. Where we can address problems, have fun and feed each other's love of adventure. Quarterly therapy sessions to have someone ask the hard questions can do wonders in preventing the garden from totally being taken over by weeds or bugs. Weekly meetings with other couples or time away with friends can also help to stay accountable and keep things fresh with new ideas for communication and intimacy. Pretty much any move that is motivated by your desire to improve will help! What can you do today to tend to your marriage garden?"Oneness in marriage is only possible when we consider our spouse before we consider ourselves."- Weekend to Remember Handbook