Let's do a gut check! Come'on... weeding can be fun! We can be working toward our purpose and feeling.... miserable. Are you the person you want to be?
  • You may be cranking just fine, but others in your life are dissatisfied with you.
  • You may rationalize it away by saying they are exaggerating.
  • You may like the feeling of being one track minded without regard to others' feelings.
  • You may be resigned to the fact that this is the sacrifice of success

(PS... I do all of these!).

If we are too busy to pray and to read our Bible, we are busier than God ever intended for us to be. The priority here has to be trust in the giver of dreams.

There may be room for change in your life in regards to how you are treating yourself and those around you as you pursue your goals. Just know that there is hope that through each circumstance allowed in your life, you are being perfected through it. Open your hand that is clinging for control and lay it down in prayer, asking to be molded and shaped by it for the glory of God. He will do it! There are risks to making changes and letting go of control through prayer. But the rewards far outweigh them. “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take the step.”- Naeem Callaway [caption id="attachment_357" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Parkwood Counseling Center Jacksonville, FL 32207 904-725-2500x115 Parkwood Counseling Center Jacksonville, FL 32207 904-725-2500x115[/caption]