Spring Weeding Soul Feeding
Posted: April 11, 2016
This month goes out to my fellow dream chasers and hard workers that are sprinkled near and far. Be encouraged that despite the dark places we can find ourselves in - or watch our clients experience- if we are seeking the Lord's will, there is hope for all!
We are coming off of the celebration of Easter, where Jesus died and then came back to life. During this time, the disciples went through difficulties and tragedy. It was a time where it was easy to lose faith. This month, we are focusing on weeding & feeding our souls in order to keep our faith strong. Only when we are strong in our faith can we live out our purpose with intention.
In the Easter story, the horrible circumstances turned into the most amazing victory. An ultimate example of dark coming before light.
In nature, we see this same pattern. No matter age, size, or degree of barreness during winter… springtime brings rebirth, renewal, life, and all things flourishing. Dark times precede times of exponential growth, and faith that the victory is already decided for us is what we should cling to during those dark times.
We can hold on to this prayer in Psalm 51 and know that we will see a season of flourishing within ourselves, in our lives and in the lives of those we love. He will bring us back to a right spirit and he makes ALL things new.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Pslam 51:10
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