Behavior Modification: Engage Creativity
Posted: February 4, 2014
Just as a caveat to the last few posts about behavior modification, I want to remind you to always engage the creativity of the client.
You can engage them in creating a chart (with markers, construction paper, magazines, stickers, scissors and glue). You can engage them in the problem solving process, deciding on the prize and choosing the goal for the behavior. Have them write their name or draw a picture of themselves. Whenever possible, have the entire family in the room during the process. This serves as modeling for the parents on engaging the Cl and on initiating the intervention. The goal is for parents to learn to intervene without the therapist eventually. Do not rob them of the opportunity to observe your approach with their child.
When cultivating imaginative and tangible creativity, say yes as often as possible. When exploring possible prizes, for example, use a white erase board and record every idea of each family member. Then go back through and cross off difficult, expensive, or unrealistic options until there is one left.
You can engage them in creating a chart (with markers, construction paper, magazines, stickers, scissors and glue). You can engage them in the problem solving process, deciding on the prize and choosing the goal for the behavior. Have them write their name or draw a picture of themselves. Whenever possible, have the entire family in the room during the process. This serves as modeling for the parents on engaging the Cl and on initiating the intervention. The goal is for parents to learn to intervene without the therapist eventually. Do not rob them of the opportunity to observe your approach with their child.
When cultivating imaginative and tangible creativity, say yes as often as possible. When exploring possible prizes, for example, use a white erase board and record every idea of each family member. Then go back through and cross off difficult, expensive, or unrealistic options until there is one left.
A self portrait with hands and feet traced. Therapist attempted caricature and Cl colored in.