A Counselor at a Marriage Conference- Lesson 11

jacksonville-marriage-counseling-encouragement-11 I love God. God and I are great. I am pretty much ready to leave my husband and elope with God and live out the rest of my life with him. So this right here ^ is an example of someone in need of a reality check. Our relationship with our spouse is our -here on earth- relationship that reflects our relationship with God. We exercise our love for God through our love for people- and more specifically through our love for the person we know more intimately than anyone else. Our ability to serve selflessly and think of a different perspective is practically displayed and tested in our relationship with our husbands and wives. This is why I admire my husband so much in his ability to love the Lord, because he is able to love me so selflessly and with immense patience. I am the type to be on a mission, on a timeline and on my own agenda. Where are you in your ability to truly LOVE (v.) your spouse? How is your refusal to love them any father stunting your relationship with God?

The extent to which you are able to lay your life down for your spouse is... the extent to which you are able to view your life through God's lense. the extent to which you are willing to "die to yourself" and "pick up your cross" the extent to which you are able to let go of your futile view of the future and live in the fullness of life that God has for you.