A Counselor at a Marriage Conference: Lesson 1

Jacksonville Marriage Counseling Encouragement #1 This was the take away that was most evident immediately after the Weekend to Remember Conference. The homework was to make a list of the positive attributes that you admire/appreciate about your husband and reflect on them. It is a practice in gratefulness and perspective. From my experience, it is totally against the grain! Celebrate what is good in your spouse and marriage. It is a learning process to be grateful and celebratory. Be encouraged that it will not happen naturally... but each day you make the effort is taking the step toward oneness. This is especially hard in "group therapy" (aka mom friend coffee dates) when we are spilling the details of our lives. It is so easy to gush about the difficulties and selfishness of our spouses. But make the most of what is great about them and make all of your friends throw up in their mouths a little. It will bless you! On a more serious note, bring this to your therapist in a session if it is something you are struggling with despite a little effort! People trying to be better and struggling is a therapists' DREAM. Bless them with your drama, momma.