Introducing... March Recharge!!!

[caption id="attachment_326" align="aligncenter" width="683"]Emily Yi, LCSW 725-2500x115 Emily Yi, LCSW 725-2500x115[/caption]

The purpose of "March Recharge" is to encourage women, men, couples and friends to create space...

-to breathe and connect with God. -to check in on how they are feeling in the midst of the crazy. -to ask for time alone. -to intentionally use what time they have to Recharge and -to be refilled and able to love others more fully. I will post suggestions of self care on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in March. These are from my own brain and speak to my own needs and life. I encourage you to try things that may push you out of your comfort zone, but also to pre-plan (redundant?) on your calendar some self care that is personal for you and your current life season.

I believe everyone can benefit from professional counseling. A great thing is offers is a time away, built in reflection and breath in a busy world. But we only need that because we don't take time to do it ourselves.

So make the time / take the time you have an use it with purpose! Here's to a great month!